     Hello to all! I hope everyone had a lovely and exciting Independence Day yesterday! I spent the day with some wonderful friends. Unfourtantely where I live there was a 'burn ban' because of the insanely hot and dry weather. So there was very minimal fireworks. However we had some great food! Pork tenderloin, bratwurst, mac and cheese (that my honey made, and it was soooooo good!), green beans, corn on the cob, and quite a bit of other things! And of course I brought some dessert. I wanted something simple that wouldn't take long to do... So I made these adorable patriotic strawberries that I found on Pinterest. They were delicious and easy!  

1. Melt white chocolate
2. Dip strawberry in chocolate, but you still want to see the red on top! 
3. Shake off excess chocolate, and while chocolate is still wet, dip the end into blue sugar. 

That's it! Super easy and everyone was really impressed!


Then my best friend had made some star shaped sugar cookies and brought them over to help decorate. Basically we colored some frosting in red and blue, then drizzled the leftover white chocolate from the strawberries. Doesn't get any easier than that. :) 

Now, as promised in the title, Jenni's Baking Blog is going to have a special guest blogger this weekend! I am going out of town this weekend to meet Brent's family. Yes, I am nervous. That seems to be the first thing anyone asks me. lol Considering they live a good 6 or so hours away, we are going there for the entire weekend. So wish me luck! 
As for my special guest, please keep an eye on the blog this weekend for a post from my friend Kenzie Sweeney! I'm anxious to see what she makes for you! 

*Personal Note*
h4As a personal favor I am asking everyone to please keep my family in their prayers! My grandpa Lloyd is very ill and is currently in ICU. Tomorrow my mother and her sisters have to make a very hard decision. I won't go into details on here, but we could really use all the prayers and support we can get! Thank you everyone! 

Remember to keep an eye on the blog for Kenzie's post this weekend!

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